Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So, It looks like I've found my calling in missions. It only makes sense really, when I stop and ask myself: what one activity do I have more experience at than any other? the answer, as it would be for any farm-boy i'm sure, is driving the tractor. Gordon asked me if i knew how, after three days and the regular native tractor driver had just gotten stuck, and i replied, "only since i was eight." he said, "we need people who have been doing it since 6 years old." but he must have been desperate because the very next day he came and pulled me away from my absolutely adequate job of tiling to ask if i'd mind hauling some sand. the river is rising, and they don't know how much longer they will be able to get sand (it's from a far away spot, down by the river) so i was given a team of three zambians: Joe, fabian, and koyumbo (watch for their pictures if i ever get a camera) and we've spent the last 7 workdays hauling sand, rocks, cement, and bricks for the new duplex they are starting to construct. it's very satisfying, the piles are these materials are getting bigger and build into foundations, and the beginnings of walls. after work i often go for a run and then a jump in the pool to cool off and do some physio for my shoulder. after that it's home for some e-mail time and then off to supper if i've been invited. speaking of which, it's time for supper. i'll post again soon now that i know how. in the meantime, i'd appreciate it if you could help me get more comments than Krista/Gill and their posts. it's quantity that counts here folks, not quality. even if you just post a single word several times over, it will be much appreciated. and i guarantee, i will read every one. thank you, and have an african day.
Peter out


Candice said...

Oh Peter

Candice said...

I am apparently following Joel's footsteps

Candice said...

In giving you quantity

Candice said...

But also quality

Candice said...

with the following statment:

Candice said...


Candice said...


Candice said...


Candice said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Petey, I just read your blog to my family, and Dad is wondering why you were doing tiling if Lorraine is there - she's pro at tiling. How are the MacAdams?

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky, the McAdams are well, I just had coffee with them today. If Lorraine is a pro at tiling she is hiding it well. She's been hiding in her house painting every time i've seen her lately. Does your family know everyone in Zambia?

L'Afrique Bonanza said...

What is the capital of Assyria?