Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Big Day.

Gil's birthday today... ridiculous that it's actually February 13th... Feels more like July. We're beginning to be quite sun-kissed... infact, it's proving difficult to go outside without quickly turning pink. (Don't worry, Mom, we brought sunscreen.) I think we must have been deathly ill when we first got here -seeing as we managed to stay whiter than we've ever been at home until just recently. Oh dear.

French toast was wonderous, it smelled like home. Can't wait until we make rice pudding tonight. I love treats.
We didn't set our alarm this morning, I managed to sleep all the way until 7:40, quite incredible.
Mwila joined us on our bed this morning, for early morning cheers and giggles.
Today is one month since our arrival.

And now for a bunch of personal notes.
Mom, tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I have no cinnamon hearts! :( Very sad.
Lisa, you're pretty lucky that you sent that wimpy e-mail before you left -I was about to disown you as my sister. I'm not writing until you write me back first. LoveBabyLove -Have a great trip.
Dad, if you don't want to post your "personal messages" on here you can still e-mail me. How did your interview go? When do you find out?
Grandma, glad you're enjoying the snow, but I most definately love being very far away from it. By the way, do you know of any jobs in Revelstoke that would pay me an okay wage for the month of June? Is that even possible? Like painting someone's house, landscaping, nannying, anything? It might be fun to be in the mountains for a bit, I don't know what my plans are.
Pat, good to hear from you... how's writing? and working out? and have you planned for your trip with Lise?

Kristina and Mikey: Thanks for the e-mails, both amazing in their entirely different ways. A couple days ago I saw a guy wearing a purple shirt and a red toque, veryverynice. Glad you're writing again. Have fun in Mexico. Who's Nathan in an "open relationship" with? How's "Dyl"? What else is new? Will one of you please ask Matthew Cairns to e-mail me so I can have his e-mail address and reply to his facebook message?

Alanna: I didn't forget your birthday, I wanted to send off a "Have a great one" but alas, I don't know your e-mail address, and facebook doesn't work. I hope it was lovely. You are lovely. Fill me in, dear.
Ian: Your birthday is soon and I was hoping to e-mail you a quick one, but it seems you've deleted your address? Hopefully you're still reading blogs. I didn't catch your warning before Sunday...
(Other February birthdays, I'm remembering you as well. Consider this your personal note.)

Jonathan: Thanks for the "farewell e-mail". It was kind of you to send us off. I'm learning about God's movement. And as for your student, I'm volunteering Lise, she'll be in Columbia for a couple weeks now, but you can message her... And as for me, when I get back to Canada I'm down.

House: Where are you? Where? Did you move into the upstairs bedroom yet? Don't be shy. Move out our stuff and gogogo! I want a spinach smoothie.

Candice: Sooooo soon! Wow.

Others who've e-mailed me, ThankyouThankyouThankyou. I treasure you.

I know I'm forgetting something "important", but I must sign off.
I'm learning to sing in Bemba.
Gil and I bought a sweater. It's pink.
I love you.


Anonymous said...

oh Gillian - it has been ages since I heard you use that term - Guzzy-bear!! Guess we haven't been hanging out enough lately!!

thinking of you and praying for you!

Anonymous said...

oh dear, Krista - please forgive me ... I amnot too learned about these blogs and comments - so now have commented on your post - but to Gillians - one day I will get this right!!

yes, of course - thinking/praying for you too!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Krista!

WOW ... a month already!! It doesn't seem like it on this end. Another weird -time- phenomena I guess. I have been praying that you would be released from your time fixation (re: last post) so you could fully take in the present. I trust the Lord is hearing our prayers!

We sent your sister off last night, she'll land in Bogota the evening of Valentine's day. I guess at that point the center of our 'family soul' would be located somewhere over the Atlantic ocean... sorry, that was kind of a weird thought,listen for Dallas Willard and you'll get what I mean ...

My interview went well, so well that I start my internship next week. I'll be working 2 to 3 days per week in Red Deer until I finish my degree. The staff are excellent at this centre and very well qualified so I look forward to this 'hands on' learning segment of my training.

I'm excited for you to start the next leg of your journey but I'm sure it'll be hard saying good-bye to the babies and host-family you have got to know. You probably even have people on your commute route that will notice your absence once you move on. Trust God will fill in the space you leave just as he provided when you arrived. I went to the House of Moses website the other day, it looks like a fantastic ministry.

That's enough for now, I love you. Thanks for the blogs.


Anonymous said...

Hey friends the muzungu here found this in my address bar and was most excited. TUTEMWANE Love it where did it come from HA

Gillian my friend hope you had an awesome birthday.....

Krista glad you are feeling better

How are the precious i miss them
so take care ok India is ok...just not africa so am not settled and besides when do u have to fight with cows to move in the streets adn they win....

Can you guys please pray for my friends Paul and Anita
Remember i came in on Saturday all excited as i got to see Opella their baby girl?? She died at 9 days old from of all things an umbilical cord infection..

This big softie is taking it hard and wishing i was there.

Guess what

i got my nose pierced adn man is it sore and am getting my hands painted soon
take care friends

Anonymous said...

K first of all it just so happens that mikey and I are together and we were checking your blog and found a lovely little note addressed to both of us. What are the chances? Not very high so its super awesome. Secondly thankyou for thinking of us right after you think of your family, that made me me happy. Thirdly, "dyl" is doing good, i would say more but this isn't really an appropriate place i don't think. Fourth, I don't remember what you asked Mikey but he is doing well and says he will write his own response. (he is crabby, BTW) Fifth i love you and miss you and lauren got back yesterday which made me think of how exciting it will be when you return. I am praying for you, that probably dosn't mean a lot because every person says that but i just want you to know that i think of you. Also i cried today, like really cried, wierd, dosn't happen often. Ok. This was nearly a novel. I LOVE YOU. Kn!

Anonymous said...

Hi Krista, It's your mom here....Thinking of you again & praying that all things all well. I was wondering if Grandma sent cinnamon hearts? I never did get the stickers in the mail & know that it is too late for you to receice them. Would you want me to send them there any way , to the family you stayed with? Just a thought!. We have sunshine on this family day holiday. Spring is for sure on the way. .......Take care...lots of love sent your way

Michelle said...

work is weird without you. we got a new girl. she is stylin. but I miss you. I am so jealous of your africa adventure. if plans had worked out I would be seeing you in SA soon. :( But life is like that I guess. I am taking care of Mikey and Kristina. I went to Kn's soccer game yesterday. They are not abandoned in your absense. :) Take care. Or rather let God take care. :)

Candice said...

9 days and I fly out!!! 16 days and I get to see you all!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday Gill! Dave and I saw your roommate at Remedy the other day - thought of you and hope you're well. We miss you (and your sound effects) here and Carissa was just talking about your impromptu hot tub party at her house the other day...


Anonymous said...

Happy Happy belated Birthday Gill! Dave and I saw your roommate at Remedy the other day - thought of you and hope you're well. We miss you (and your sound effects) here and Carissa was just talking about your impromptu hot tub party at her house the other day...


Mikey said...


French toast and rice pudding are two things I love. After reading your post, I went downstaris and opened my fridge, hoping there would be some. ALAS...ka. There wasn't. I'm jealous of you and your make-shift, hodgepodge, desert-island style foods.

Ok look around the room! Are there any tomatoes? How about roses, or steamed lobsters (sad)? That is a close representation of my skin color had I joined you and Gillisa. Any freshly spanked baby's bottoms?

Nathan and I are in an "open relationship." It's a silly facebook joke.

Kristina is in Mexico right now, with her family, on a missions trip to pools and beaches and open bars. She'll probably hate that I told you that. And "BTW" I wasn't crabby, Kristina was just being a stupid girl with a stupid face.

I love you, Krista. Take care and be encouraged! The book of your life still has hundreds of pages waiting to be turned. Written and Illistrated by God. Dedicated to you and anyone who meets you. "An inspirational tale filled with humour, intrigue, and imagination. 'Krista' is a heroin of legend" -New York Times.


P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIL. When I was in Haiti I had a birthday and the women in the house I was staying at made me a cake that said "Hapy Bertday Mik" on it.

Anonymous said...

Mike is a stupid boy with a stupid face. BTW. And i am in mexico and i am enjoying the open bars very much and i want the world to know.

p.s me and my dad do tequilla shots together.

This is mostly for mike.
Alos i love krista.
I had a dream about you last night i missed you in the dream...just like real life.

p.s.s sometimes i sing that lebanese song and do the little dance in your honor