Monday, January 28, 2008

Where are you, Mother?

Gillian and Krista will continue to be in Zambia for 1 month, this period of time gives you a chance to send us some mail by post.
For those of you who prefer pen and ink:

Campus Crusade For Christ Zambia
Box 36176 LSK
Lusaka, Zambia

Also, our phone continues to be silent... If you were having troubl, we've figured out that the country code for Zambia is probably 260. But when added to our previously posted number, one of the zeros is not needed. So it will be 26097...etc.
If you call between 7a.m. and noon we'll be readily available. :)

Still learning,
Still love you,
Gil and Krista
(Jule and Kreesta)


Anonymous said...

Gillian: Oh, how I want to call you but alas the phone is still not working. We have hope that it might be fixed in the next couple of days, rest assured you will be called as soon as I can get through. How did it go yesterday? Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Kreesta and Jule,

I went to to learn how to phone you guys but their instructions don't make sense for the number you listed ... so I just dialed it direct to try anyway.

The number I called was:
011 260 97 621 0038

I got an answer and heard people talking but the call was dropped right away. I then called the Telus operator to have the charges dropped for the failed call and get reconnected to the same number. When she did ... we were able to enjoy our call. Mom tried the other day but it didn't work so maybe we'll need the operator's help to stay in touch.

It was great to hear from you and we're so blessed that you have found the body of Christ so generous and hospitable in Lusaka.

We'll let you know how much the call was so we can figure out what the best way of doing voice-to-voice connection is.

We all love you and are thrilled for you,

Dad (Takkinen)

Candice said...

I was just checking the weather for my walk to school tomorrow and started wondering what the temperature was in Lusaka. You lucky duckies! :)

You must be busy! What fun and blessing to be with the wee ones! There have been many times this week where I've really wanted to jump on a plane to Africa. When I first heard about you girls with those babies, I wanted to come and play with them too.

Hope you're settled and are exploring the world!